Components and Tool

Our Company is a well-known company in Components and Tool , specializing in the design, production and sale of Components and Tool and relative appliances.

We have a team of efficient quality inspectors who make sure our products are manufactured as per the excellent standards.

Please feel free to contact us if you are looking for a reliable Components and Tool Manufacturer.
電腦盒型號 功能說明
IC-505 / 110 V / 220 V
◆ 紅-進水電磁閥
◆ 黃-沖洗電磁閥
◆ 綠-高壓開關
◆ 黑-低壓開關
IC-507 / 110 V / 220 V
◆ 紅-手動沖洗
◆ 黃-沖洗電磁閥
◆ 綠-滿水浮球開關
◆ 黑-低壓開關

測試筆型 功能說明
CD - 97
◆ 自動斷電
◆ 解析度:1 ppm
◆ 準確度:+/-5%
◆ 電池:單顆3V鋰電池
◆ 電池壽命:30小時

板手型號 功能說明
HD - 10 ◆ 適用於鬆緊10”濾殼
HD - 20 ◆ 適用於鬆緊20”濾殼